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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It proved in case of a 27 year young man who came to emergency at ivy hospital mohali with a self inflicted ( suicidal ) gunshot injury into head . patient fired over his right temporal region with his own pistol .patient was in unconscious condition with unrecordable bp & shock like condition . patient was resuscitated , urgent CT head revealed right temporal depressed comminuted # with bone fragments deep into parenchyma with through n through gunshot injury in both fronto temporal regions . metallic bullet was seen lying adjacent to sagittal sinus in left parietal parasagittal area . urgent right frontoparietal craniotomy with elevation of # with contusectomy was done . & bullet was also removed through left parietal parasagittal minitrephine craniotomy . patient initially managed on ventilation & later weaned off. Patients aphasia & left hemiparesis also improved with time . & patient went home fully conscious and alert . GOD still wants him to do some positive work in this world .
Many a times we as human beings propose something for ourself but god disposes it because god has kept something better for us .


Salah said...

great job Doc, and many blessings and peace to the person who shot himself.
God loves you both

neuronath said...

patient now not in contact
i will try tracing him